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Talking Point On Air Feedback Low Graphics Help Wednesday, December 16, 1998
Published at 12:15 GMT
Point Do animals have rights?
reaction Votes so far: 100% 0% Yes: 57% No: 43%
not in the sense that we use the term "rights" in connection with
humans. But I do think we owe them respect and our best efforts not to cause
undue suffering when we raise them for food, butcher them, hunt them, use them
for medical research, all of which activities I approve. James Hill, USA
animals do indeed have rights. Who's to say that they don't? The only people who
can possibly believe that are ignorant and guilty of species-ism. C Ikuma,
Hawaii, USA
rabbit has no rights in the eyes of the fox - humans decide who has
"rights" and who hasn't. It seems that those who propose "animal
rights" are those who would impose their views on others, by violence and
intimidation more often than not. Michael, England
that has the capacity to feel both physical as well as emotional pain must be
given consideration as beings with whom we share our world as opposed to
possession or something to be harvested for our own inconsiderate needs. Dave
Barry, Canada
were put on this earth to be a renewable resource for mankind. Tony, USA
have the same right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as any human.
It is too bad that so many humans will justify anything as long as it is
convenient to do so. There is always a way to live without harming and killing
others. For anyone confused about what animal rights activists mean when
referring to animal rights one should read Peter Singer's book Animal
Liberation. If one wants to believe in concepts such as rights, then one must be
willing to support rights for all (not just the sex, race, or species to which
one belongs). Anita Carswell, USA
must tell the lions. Bruce, South Africa
me, if you believe in a God, you should believe in rights for any of God's
creations to live their natural existence. The human species has been trying to
play God for centuries by showing control and power over animals/things that
don't SEEM to have as much intelligence as us - if we were truly intelligent
beings, we would understand the concept of compassion. Jill Wyborny, USA
is the consensus of every principal Eastern religion and philosophical belief
system that animals have inalienable rights, and that human interference with
those rights--to live healthily, freely and with innate dignity--carries the
same penalty as though one interfered with those same rights as they apply to
humans. The growing popularity of such thought systems in the West reveals, at
last, human beings' awakening consciences to this reality, which is the only
path to peace and the preservation of the planet. R. Zaid, U.S.A.
believe animals do have some rights. I don't believe that rights only come with
responsibilities (examples include babies and the severely mentally
handicapped). I don't agree with extremists, though, and I felt really sick when
I found out that Barry Horne (the hunger-striker) has a 14-year-old son. I'm
still working out my position on ("essential" and effective) medical
research on animals. I don't any animal products, and I try to avoid them as far
as is practical. I try to cause no harm to humans or animals; I don't think
being perfect is possible, but I'm trying. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need
to do this, but we have to base our choices on the world we actually live in.
Kate L Pugh, England
is not US, humans, vs. THEM, animals. What is best for the animals, to live
lives free of exploitation, is also best for our health, best for the health of
our planet, and best for the evolution of our souls. Whether it is animal
agriculture (which causes human disease, wastes resources, causes massive
pollution, and which kills 8 BILLION animals per year in the US annually),
vivisection (which is based on the unscientific "animal model" of
disease and is responsible for the crippling, illness, and deaths of thousands
of people per year), hunting/trapping (which, along with causing unconscionable
suffering to animals, wreaks havoc on the environment and animal populations,
just so sick people can get their kicks), unchecked development (which is
thoughtlessly stripping our planet of the resources necessary to sustain all
life on this planet), OR animals tortured for "entertainment" (animals
kidnapped from their families and homes, beaten into performing unnatural acts,
and incarcerated in tiny cages for the rest of their pitiful lives), humans are
destroying themselves along with the animals. Humans have the capacity to choose
good or evil and still choose evil - that is our sin. Susan Gordon, USA
most current legal systems animals are afforded a hotchpotch of protection to
varying degrees by legislation aimed at protecting their welfare. Such
legislation does not confer "rights" as most of us understand the
term. The problem animals presently face at law is that they are regarded as
"property" and not as "persons" - just as slaves used to be
and look at how absurd that now seems. It is wholly unacceptable to regard a
sentient being as "property" so the sooner this is recognised by those
who legislate the sooner we will be able to find a legal regime that will
properly recognise the interests non human animals justly deserve. It will also
be a system that will sensibly deal with human/animal rights conflicts to avoid
the more ridiculous problems that detractors of such a system sniggeringly
raise. Christopher Fairfax, England
a hundred years, people will be astounded at the way animals are treated now,
just like we today are abhorred to know that black people once were used as
slaves by whites. History will prove animal rights supporters right. Tobias
Leenaert, Belgium
said the species "human" was stupid? Show me the hospitals the animals
have built to care for each other. The concept of "animal rights" can
only degrade "human rights". I do not propose abusing animals, they
are a renewable resource, and should be used wisely. So many of the
"famous" people have jumped on this bandwagon, to spout whatever
nonsense comes out of their mouth. I think they are hypocrites, if they truly
believe what they say, why don't they spend their millions on providing habitat
for animals, instead of just asking for donations or taxes to raise more money
to spread their false message. None of the animal rightist's I have ever heard
have any plan that is functioning or workable to improve habitat for animals,
the supposed recipient of all their "caring". They just want money,
more money. No, animals do not have rights, but neither does that mean they
should be abused. But to be used as a food source, that's a good function. G.
W., US
(whether moral or legal) serve to protect certain basic interests from being
traded away. If I have the right to liberty, that means my interest in my
freedom will be protected and not sacrificed merely because it would be in the
interests of others to ignore it. Animals don't always have the SAME rights as
humans, because their interests are not always the same as ours and some rights
would be irrelevant to animals' lives. For instance, a dog doesn't have an
interest in voting and therefore doesn't have the right to vote, since that
right would be as meaningless to a dog as it is to a child. Animals do, however,
have the right to equal consideration of their interests. For instance, a dog
most certainly has an interest in not having pain inflicted on him or her
unnecessarily. We therefore are obliged to take that interest into consideration
and respect the dog's right not to have pain unnecessarily inflicted pain upon
him or her. Felicia Lerner, USA
a bow-hunter, horse- and dog-owner I believe animals should not be abused.
Nature is a cruel mother and not nearly as humane a killer as some would like
you to believe. More animals are lost to automobiles and land development than
hunting or research. So please before you condemn me for my lifestyle remember
if you drive or live on the land you are as guilty as anyone for the deaths of
animals. Rick D., USA
a species as stupid as humans have rights, why not the rest of the animal
kingdom? Sandra, Canada Those who deny that animals have rights, deny themselves
rights as well. After all, humans ARE technically animals. M. Robertson, USA
am not about to change my diet because of some extremist. I firmly believe the
extremists are looking for some purpose in their lives. There current lives lack
meaning and this is one way to bring meaning to a meaningless existence. Henry
David Thoreau once stated people minded their own business when it was worth
minding. Animal extremists have mindless intellects incapable of bringing true
happiness to their miserable lives. Bob Krug, USA
belief that animals are here solely for the use and exploitation by man simply
reflects the self-centered egotism of the ignorant and uncompassionate. J Dan
Hightower, USA
animals can feel pain and suffer, they have the right to not be used as targets,
food, clothing and experimental subjects. Mike Chiado, USA
a few words you make it look as if people who respect animals were terrorists,
which is a shame. What about animals tortured in labs and factory farms, to name
but a few types of animal abuse? Respecting animal rights does not mean not
respecting human rights. Both struggles are profoundly linked. Sophie V, Belgium
given the opportunity or not, will abuse each other. They only see the present,
the now. No past and no future. Do they have rights? Maybe, maybe not. In a
world where an unborn child has no rights, it's kind of moot! Pet Professional,
right to be tasty and juicy. To be marinated and served medium rare with a nice
white wine. Ken Brown, USA
people who say that animals don't have rights because they don't understand
responsibilities just don't get it. Human babies, the severely mentally
handicapped and the senile also don't have responsibilities. But we don't eat
them, cage them, torture them for fun or hunt them. Why not? Because they would
suffer. Other animals can suffer like humans. It is wrong to cause suffering to
any sentient being. It is entirely irrelevant whether or not you can understand
the concept of having responsibilities. Simon Dresner, UK
humans don't decide if animals have right, than who will? It is up to us to help
protect them from cruelty and experiments. Anyone who believes otherwise is the
type of person who abuses their own pets and probably their own children. Lynn,
who has to think about the answer to this question does not respect the value of
life be it human or animal. Tom R, USA
have rights, people have the responsibility to treat animals humanely, animals
do not have rights. Chuck Siebsen, USA
think animals definitely have the right to not be subjected to suffering. I
believe it is ok to eat meat as long as the animals to be consumed have been
able to have a life and death devoid of suffering. This means I do not believe
it right to subject the animals to factory conditions and excessive confinement.
I do not think it right to use animals for product testing. The area of medical
research is not quite as clear to me. I think there may be some situations where
this research is justified but I think there should be much tighter controls
both to restrict the type of research that can be done and to ensure the
minimization of any suffering caused and to improve the quality of life of the
animals. Dianne Cartledge, USA
are sentient beings, have feelings and we have to take into acount they can
suffer and feel pain just like us! Ann De Greef, Belgium
think animals definitely have the right to not be subjected to suffering. I
believe it is ok to eat meat as long as the animals to be consumed have been
able to have a life and death devoid of suffering. This means I do not believe
it right to subject the animals to factory conditions and excessive confinement.
I do not think it right to use animals for product testing. The area of medical
research is not quite as clear to me. I think there may be some situations where
this research is justified but I think there should be much tighter controls
both to restrict the type of research that can be done and to ensure the
minimization of any suffering caused and to improve the quality of life of the
animals. Dianne Cartledge, USA
people treat animals badly they invariably treat other people badly. Recently
psychiatrists have 'discovered' something that most of us had guessed. That is
that sociopaths have tortured animals as a precursor to torturing their fellow
humans. I'm not a vegetarian (I wish I had the courage to be one) but surely we
can spare the money and time to make their short lives happy BEFORE we kill and
eat them!? Jane Hughes, Australia We owe it to animals and people not to violate
their rights. At the same time it is not possible to live with out killing some
living creature. We can only do our best. Helen Glover, USA
have rights and responsibilities, among these responsibilities are the
preservation of other species. But this does not extend to the point where we
give animals rights and stop eating other species, they do after all eat each
other. If we give rights to animals do we then prosecute them when they violate
another animals' rights. Just picture the scene, Fox in witness box, QC did you
or did you not unduly frighten mother hen on the night of the 25th. Ridiculous
just like animal rights. Iain Morrison, Scotland
should be treated like people. I often spend my evenings stroking and talking to
my cat. She also enjoys watching the football with me. She is much nicer than
some of the people I know. Michael Norton, UK
about 'rights' in the context of animals seems totally meaningless to me. Where
are these rights supposed to come from, and what obligations do they impose on
the animals in return? Surely better to acknowledge that we would be wise not to
mistreat animals if we wish to live in a humane and caring society. Mark, UK
am glad I'm not an animal living in Paul De Souza's territory! Life certainly is
tough out there in the Bush, and it must come down to survival of the fittest.
We must remember that, even with humans not around, the animal world is awash
with murder and mutual consumption. Matt Howell, England
are a human concept - but if we believe that everything has a "right"
to be treated as we personally think correct, then the individual should act to
allow these "rights" as he or she sees fit. To seek to enforce one's
ideas of these animal "rights" on others is surely seeking to impose
one's personal view of the world on others. Mike, England
at the way animals treat each other, it is complete anarchy. How lucky animals
are to have humans to ever consider their rights. Steven Strain, US What gives
humans the right to decide if animals have rights? John, USA
much research is done with animals, which cannot be used to save human lives.
Animals are cruelly treated and abused, respect the world and the nature which
lives in it. Niki Brown, UK
rights are an artificial construct and consequently there is not an absolute
answer to the question posed. However, one would hope that any attempt to
recognise and avoid suffering would attempt to be self-consistent at least. If
so, then those that argue against certain minimal rights for animals should
explain precisely why the horrors that we subject many animals to are physically
less relevant that that suffered by humans. For example, the nerve activity in
response to external stimulus that manifests itself as pain is exactly that same
within a laboratory animal today as it was for the Jews experimented upon in the
second world war. How, therefore is the inconsistency in attributing importance
to the latter but not the former to be explained, or more to the point
justified? M. Moran, UK
is ludicrous to suggest that animals have 'rights'. With rights come
responsibilities. Precisely what responsibilities do animals have? Paul Jemetta,
life-forms have the right to live their natural lives to the full, without
interference from the Human species, unless it is absolutely necessary (this
would apply to very remote regions of the planet.) Gian Jones, England
are also living life like us. Rajesh, India
are not simply a collection of body parts for us to use -they are beings in
their own right. Graeme Wotherspoon, UK
animals have rights - humans included. Sadly, many humans think their rights
extend to abusing those of other animals. Sally-Ann Russell, United Kingdom
in the bush, you have to hunt and kill with your bare hands just to stay alive.
That is a necessity. We cannot go around giving these animals rights or we would
all starve. At Christmas time we try and catch Kangeroo for special treats
although it is very difficult, last year I managed two, it was the happiest
Christmas of my life. Paul De Souza, Australia
course animals have rights. They have the right not to be tortured, brutalised
and killed. They have the right to living conditions which allow them to exist
in their own habitat, eat, sleep and reproduce in the manner natural to their
species. We do not have the right to experiment on animals, breed them in
appalling conditions, hunt them for sport or force them to perform circus
tricks. It is because animals cannot speak out for their own rights that we do
that for them. Fiona Kellington, UK
course they do! But the question is, as far as research is concerned, would you
rather have the doctors test on your kids than monkeys? Would you be willing to
risk the lives of millions by bringing out untested drugs...drugs they don't
know whether they will work or not, and whether they will have any side effects
or not? Even though I like animals, I love my kids more...and I cannot think of
a solution. It is easy to protest immaturely, but to come up with a sensible
solution requires a responsible outlook, which I fear many animal rights
activists lack. Kevin Peters, USA (Emphasis added)
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